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Abstracts submission:

The abstract should contain no more than 300 words, with a title, author names, affiliations, countries, email addresses, keywords and topics*, and it should be submitted via the X-cd-System by clicking on the button above.

On your first visit to the X-cd system, please create your own account. You can then start submitting your abstracts. A limit of two abstracts is allowed per registration.

Please type in or copy-and-paste your abstract in the Abstract field. Please do not upload your abstract as a PDF.


Papers submission:

The draft paper should contain a title, author names, affiliations, countries, email addresses, keywords and topics, and it should be submitted via the X-cd-System

Please download the Paper Template for the icccbe 2024 conference: 2024 – Paper Template.docx

You must follow the instructions included in this template when preparing your paper.
The estimated length of the papers is approximately 6 pages. It is recommended that the papers should be a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 10 pages in length.

 All submitted papers will be peer reviewed to assess the suitability for presentation at the conference and for inclusion in the proceedings. Please note that poorly written papers will be rejected. You will be advised of the outcome of this review by March 17, 2024. Please be advised of the following rules governing paper submissions:

  • Each conference participant may present up to two papers. If you have submitted more than two abstracts, please consider whether one of your co-authors is able to register and make the presentation.
  • A registered student may present one paper only.

Thank you once again for your interest in the icccbe 2024 Conference. We look forward to receiving your document and meeting you in person in Montreal.


For any queries regarding this call for abstracts, please contact:

Professor Adel Francis, PhD

Co-Chair & Technical Committee Chair